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Acro Yoga


Acro Yoga is a physical practice which combines the mindfulness of yoga, the agility of acrobatics, and the loving kindness of thai massage. Acro Yoga can provide physical and mental health benefits. In addition to the exercise and strength building aspects of Acro Yoga the partner balancing can improve concentration, inversions as therapeutics and the massage elements can provide stress relief.


There are three primary roles in an Acro Yoga practice: base, flyer, and spotter.[5]

  • Base - this is the individual who has the most points of contact with the ground. Often this person is lying on the ground with the entire back torso in full contact. This enables both the arms and legs to be "bone-stacked" for maximum stability and support of the Flyer. Main points of contact with the flyer are the feet (generally placed on the Flyer's hips) and the hands (which either form handholds or grasp the shoulders).

  • Flyer - this is the individual who is elevated off the ground by the Base. The Flyer can move into a series of dynamic positions, and generally lets gravity do the work for them. A Flyer needs balance, confidence, and core strength.

  • Spotter - this is the individual who has an objective view of the partners, and whose entire focus is on making sure that the Flyer lands safely in case of any slips. The spotter can also make recommendations to the Base and Flyer to improve their form.





is the physical part of Acro Yoga that uses gymnastics techniques to build strength, flexibility, trust and teamwork between partners.

In the Acrobatic element we have:

Static poses

Initially basic poses such as bird, throne and whale. When the partners hold the position using equilibrium which is a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.

Acrobatic flying

Focus on movement, first the flyer learns a static pose, later, how to move from one pose to another, having a movement that is called "transition" in between the two poses.

In the acrobatic flying, there are movements that start and end in the same position, which is called washing machine. There are many different washing machines. The basic one that is taught is barrel roll and ninja star.


Small jumps where the partners keep physical contact with each other, usually keeping their hands connected.


Reflects the physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines of traditional Yoga




AcroYoga includes Thai massage, therapeutic flying and partner yoga.

In AcroYoga Montreal they teach restorative and yin yoga.

A basic therapeutic pose is Folded Leaf in which one partner is inverted and supported on the vertical legs of the other partner whose hands are then free for back massage.


Therapeutic flying

The flyer relaxes the body and is guided by the base through some stretches and massage.

To help the flyer to relax, it is crucial to develop trust first, which can be done by practicing the acrobatic flying. Also, it is important that the base has a strong sense of responsibility, care and trust in all the movements that will execute, before start to heal flyers using therapeutic flying techniques.

It can use techniques from different types of massage, having as a result, a deep level of relaxation.


YOGA: Online Class NOW available

Vinyasa Tuesdays @9:00am

(In person and on Zoom)




10am - 5:30pm



10:30am - 2:00pm





5655 E. Mabel St.,  Studio B (Located in the back of the property) 

Tucson, AZ 85712


Located on the Northwest corner of Mabel St. and Van Buren St. Please park in the back, there is parking either on the street of Van Buren, or in the space behind the studio space. Go through the gate, and the studio is to your right. 



Telephone: 520.891.2412

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