Should you get a Massage when you are feeling sick??? Cold and Flu season are in full swing and occasionally clients wonder if a professional massage will help. Massage does enhance immune system function, however while the body is actively fighting an illness massage may be too taxing on the system. One effect of massage is to release toxins from the tissues and aid lymphatic function, and with a mostly healthy person this is a wonderful benefit. However, while the body is already mounting a war against a virus, flooding the system with other stored toxins can make the person feel worse and possibly lengthen recovery time. It is best to stay home and rest. Additionally, if you are sick with the cold or flu, be courteous of the therapist and other clients' health and well being. If you have a virus, you might pass that illness unintentionally to a line of others. If you have a fever, stay home. If you suspect you are contagious, stay home. The best time to reap the immune system benefits of massage is through regular massage while you are healthy. Other illnesses, those that are not contagious, might benefit from massage. It is best to discuss your condition and your desire for massage with your doctor to see if it would be both safe and recommended.